its WELLS hour
looking clean
hair and tee
hair and tee
preparing pressing printing
both fish and tee
(sneaky peeky sleepy)
comin in with a one two punch!
comin in with a one two punch!
Wells merch table
"hot merch girl "yumi and sashaaaaaaaaaaaa
zine stapling happy hours
no kiss October poems zine
hello southbaylians
telling stories
Jubien laying it down heavy
bright lights-talking to anyone who is listening
the essence of now (then)
vj(enny)/ a'misa
hi, we're wells.
matsushima clan hanging out/going deaf
brent on bass, utility drum, vocals
justin on acoustic guitar, lead vocals
jenny on visuals
the doc on keys/korg and kenneth of drum keys
alex on violin, electric guitar
a'misa on xylophone, tamborine, voice sampler, vocals
a big cookieful hug to mSssssss Hyo f. davis--
you see what i only hope to see-- danka.
brainstorming what ifs
east coast/around the US tour?
things to pack:
black leggings
leather boots
big canvas bags
ahn pans(!!)
black eyeliner
bagels and apples
post stamps
big ass school bus, converted into sleeping quarters/kitchen
now that i'm working out of the house,
alex has been cooking dinner for us
he is a colorful and delicious chef!
he is a colorful and delicious chef!
kabocha pumpkin sweet potato soup in bellpepper bowl
pepper jack cheese quesdillas
steamed corn
"wedding" peach green tea
this border is illegal
--ebb, y'all