One evening, some DIY Grad School members went on a field trip.
What we didn't except was to trip out.
Country Club, a Los Angeles private residence and project space, alongside artists Justin Lowe and Jonah Freeman recreates the Buck House as an 1950's LSD safe house, where hallucinogenics were produced and tested on party go-ers in "Bright White Underground."
Sulfur Acid Crumbling Walls
Cacti that "Marasa", a drug modeled after LSD, is formulated from.
From the psudeo-lecture named "Community, Ritual, and Group Psychosis"
Docent, Curator, DIY Grad School Friend Vivian Chen gave us a very detailed tour of the Buck House and all its drug-fuel revelry. The psychedelic imagery and collage-work was all created by Lowe and Freeman, and resounated with the members of DIY Grad School.
Even the blurry pictures make me still drool with inspiration
You, Everyone We Know?
Collage Book Jackets
Mirrors that peeked into other rooms.
When you stuck your head in this box of mirrors,
one could smell the dirt and earth of the Cacti Kitchen.
Reminded us of sweetheart Keenan Keller's Drippy Bone Books aesthetics!!
Bleached Wallpaper
Let's get our collage on!
We ended the night with a large (a very super large) bowl of pho, which we shared.
No cooties or herpes here (hopefully).